
Online Therapy in English and Portuguese


“Whatever it is that we plant in our unconscious and feed with repetition and emotion, one day it will become reality.” Earl Nightingale

Online Therapy in English and Portuguese

Therapy with hypnosis is easily delivered via online sessions. Many practitioners have been doing so for years and are adept in not only using technology to provide hypnotherapy but in helping clients get comfortable in this setting.

As a result, within even a session or two, people feel better. People who feel better, heal better. Our world is going to need some healing following this pandemic, why not get started now?


Tel:  +351 963 386 332   Email atendimento@isabelrebelo.pt

Isabel Rebelo Hypnotherapy

My name is Isabel Rebelo, and I work as a psychotherapist in cognitive behaviour way with an approach of integrative Clinical hypnosis.

I am a passionate about what I do every day. I embrace the responsibility that my profession demands with dedication, and professionalism; Being a psychologist is an enormous privilege and so it is to be part of the person’s change process and observe transformation for a better way of managing life, self-knowledge, self-esteem, that is the mission.


  • Stress and Anxiety.
  • Depression
  • Self-esteem, self-confidence.
  • Anger Management.
  • Relationship difficulties.
  • Weight control; binge eating.
  • Fears and Phobias.
  • Behavioural Management (non-functional behaviours)
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Trauma and PTSD.
  • Grief and Loss.
  • Pain control (migraines, colitis, fibromyalgia).
  • Stuttering (stuttering).
  • Professional performance.
  • Athletes performance.
  • Pediatric hypnosis


During therapy sessions, my goal is to provide you a safe, empathic, and confidential space to explore your feelings, inner difficulties, beliefs, and behaviours.

We will discuss any thoughts, feelings, experiences (past/present) to come up with solutions to your current situation. Together we will identify what things you would like to work on in therapy, set realistic and measurable goals while working together towards healing and growing into a better version of yourself.

The therapy is based on the integrative cognitive behavioural (CBT) psychology, with an approach in clinical hypnosis. The psychology, the clinical hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, coaching, EMDR, contribute to an adapted treatment modality that will fit your clinical needs.

The therapeutic relationship and the cognitive behavioural approach, as contexts of reframing and searching for meaning, are the fundamental basis of an intervention proposal that aims to meet those who feel they want to integrate an internal change and can (re) signifying moments in their history.


Hypnotherapy sessions are moments of discovery and revelation, of mutual learning, where the development of personal skills is naturally fostered and inherently it promotes an increase in self-confidence and focus on the relevant issues of a person and Life.

Hypnosis and NLP, linked, both work at the unconscious level, both in beliefs and in images recorded in the unconscious. We work at the level of the unconscious mind, being able to re-signify, restructure (reframing) thinking, emotions and behaviours. The results are fast and amazingly effective.

Hypnotherapy is now recognized as a natural, safe, effective therapeutic method. It has been applied in several areas of treatment, being recognized by the medical community in Portugal.

Training, Certificates and Degrees

  • Post-Graduate Cognitive Behavioural and Integrative Therapies by APTCCI (attending).
  • Post-Graduate in Clinical Experimental Hypnosis at the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon.
  • Master’s degree student in Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon.
  • Degree in Social and Organizational Psychology by ISPA (Thesis on the impact of advertising on children at the cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioural level).

Training and Certificates:

  • European Psychology Certificate – Competency Model (2020).
  • The Professional in the Field of Palliative Care OPP (2020).
  • Health Literacy, The Role of the Psychologist OPP (2020).
  • Psychological Intervention in Disaster Situations OPP (2020).
  • COVID-19 Pandemic Phase Telephone Hotline Guidance Guide
  • Scholarship on the line pandemic telephone service.
  • EMDR I – EMDR Association (2020).
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy course, ISPA (2016).
  • International Conversational Hypnosis Certification – The Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy, London (2015).
  • Hypnotherapy training, Dave Elman Institute (2015).
  • Child Psychological Assessment, ISPA (2014).
  • Pediatric Hypnosis, Hipnosur, World Congress of Latin America (2013).
  • Trajectory of Life Psychotherapy Project I and II (PTV), Prof. Mário Simões (2013).
  • Personal Development Trainer with Adolescents by the Zoom Talents Project (2013).
  • Foundations in Hypnotherapy Course, HMI Hypnosis Motivation Institute (2012).
  • Diploma in Hypnotherapy by Believing – IHMC (2012).
  • Life Coach Coaching Certification, We Create (2012).
  • ISPA Vocational and Professional Guidance Course (2011).
  • Certified Trainer (CAP) (2005).

In-house training

  • Psychological Intervention in IHMC
  • School Grouping IBN Mucana, Cascais
  • Research group under the theme “Bullying and Cyberbullying “, FPUL
  • Zoom Talent trainer – personal development training.
  • Application of the ARISCO Skills Promotion Program.


  • OPP Member – Order of Portuguese Psychologists – C.P. nº 018996
  • APTCCI Member – Portuguese Association of Behavioral, Cognitive and Integrative Therapies
  • IAPCH Member – International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists

Hypnotherapy Contraindications

It is not possible to use hypnotherapy in cases of schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychosis and senility.


Tel:  +351 963 386 332   Email atendimento@isabelrebelo.pt

Address: Rua Marquês da Fronteira, nº 4A, 4ºDto. Lisbon

First Session
In person or online
The first consultation lasts 1h30, which is the evaluation consultation and where the Dr. will check which is the best treatment to apply.
Individual Session
In person or online
The individual session lasts 1h00, less than the first one so that the session isn't too intense for the patient and following the treatment selected.
Pack 1
Number of sessions
4 sessions
In person or online
These sessions last 1h00.
The choice of the pack should be considered with the doctor, as it will depend very much on the patient's evolution.
Pack 2
Number of sessions
6 sessions
In person or online
These sessions last 1h00.
The choice of the pack should be considered with the doctor, as it will depend very much on the patient's evolution.

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